The SEC's stated intention was to modernize their mining property disclosure requirements by closely aligning them with global standards, including those of the CRIRSCO-based reporting codes. However, the SEC did not want to be bound to current and future iterations and interpretations of CRIRSCO standards, including their definitions. Therefore, the SEC chose to provide their own set of definitions in Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K, and they introduced a number of new terms. Thirty-one of these terms have formal definitions in § 229.1300 (Item 1300) Definitions, and five terms have no formal definition in that section, but are defined elsewhere within the rule.
The formal definitions are presented in alphabetical order in § 229.1300 (Item 1300) Definitions.
We have chosen to group the formal and informal term definitions by theme in this outline of the terms that registrants and QPs will need to understand. Where relevant, we have included guidance provided elsewhere in Regulation S-K 1300 to illustrate additional considerations that should be part of meeting the term as defined.
Important Notice: These materials are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Readers are advised to seek specific legal advice from their own legal counsel in relation to any decision or course of action contemplated.